What distinguishes our unique skis

Timbaer offers slalom carvers and race carvers within the 5 and 2 series. There are two all-mountain models in the X series.

Choose the model:

5 Series Walnut
5 Series Natural Fiber
2 Series
X Series
Walnut Cover Sheet

Noble walnut makes this model a classic. A wolf in sheep's clothing, an eye-catcher on every slope. The message is clear: Even sports equipment can have style.

Ski Edge

The edge, which is already made in the shape of the ski model, ensures optimal grip on icy slopes without the ski edge sticking aggressively in snow with good grip.

Brand Loyalty

The Tyrolia PRD 12 GW gives you the security you need to be able to concentrate fully on skiing.

Patented core

The Timbaer 5 series owes its excellent driving characteristics to a unique, patented bamboo wood core.

Racing Surface

A first-class racing surface ensures optimal gliding properties and the necessary speed.


Detailed engravings (lettering, logo and length specification) adorn the 5 series.

Natural fiber cover

The stylish natural fiber cover sheet can be easily restored and is therefore significantly more sustainable than other ski cover sheets.

ski edge

The edge, which is already made in the shape of the ski model, ensures optimal grip on icy slopes without the ski edge sticking aggressively in snow with good grip.

brand loyalty

The Tyrolia PRD 12 GW ski binding gives you the security you need to be able to concentrate fully on skiing.

Patented core

The Timbaer 5 series owes its excellent driving characteristics to a unique, patented bamboo wood core.

racing surface

A first-class racing surface ensures optimal gliding properties and the necessary speed.


Detailed engravings (lettering, logo and length specification) adorn the 5 series.

Natural fiber cover

Swiss natural fiber paper made from 70% paper and 30% resin. An unbeatable combination of simple design and maximum durability.

Inlaid lettering

The lettering made of smoked oak is inlaid and contributes to the
sporty, simple and rustic look.

brand loyalty

The Tyrolia PRD 12 GW ski binding gives you the security you need to be able to concentrate fully on skiing.


Ski core made from solid bamboo panels. Function, quality and durability
are guaranteed by the CNC milling of the preload.

ski edge

The edge, which is already made in the shape of the ski model, ensures optimal grip on icy slopes without the ski edge sticking aggressively in snow with good grip.

racing surface

A first-class racing surface ensures optimal gliding properties and the necessary speed.

Natural fiber cover

Swiss natural fiber paper made from 70% paper and 30% resin. An unbeatable combination of simple design and maximum durability.

Inlaid lettering

The lettering made of smoked oak is inlaid and contributes to the
sporty, simple and rustic look.

brand loyalty

The Tyrolia PRD 12 GW ski binding gives you the security you need to be able to concentrate fully on skiing.


Ski core made from solid bamboo panels. Function, quality and durability
are guaranteed by the CNC milling of the preload.

ski edge

The edge, which is already made in the shape of the ski model, ensures optimal grip on icy slopes without the ski edge sticking aggressively in snow with good grip.

racing surface

A first-class racing surface ensures optimal gliding properties and the necessary speed.

Deckblatt aus Polyesterfolie

Mittels Thermosublimation bedrucktes Deckblatt, welches eine unschlagbare Widerstandsfähigkeit bietet.


Die Tyrolia PRD 12 GW Skibindung gibt die nötige Sicherheit, um sich ganz auf das Skifahren konzentrieren zu können.


Ski-Kern aus massiven Bambusplatten. Funktion, Qualität und Langlebigkeit
sind durch die CNC-Fräsung der Vorspannung garantiert.


Die bereits in der Form des Skimodells hergestellte Kante sorgt für optimalen Halt auf eisiger Piste, ohne dass die Skikante bei griffigem Schnee aggressiv anhängt.


Ein Rennbelag erster Güte sorgt für optimale Gleiteigenschaften und den nötigen Speed.